The Frutibairrada is a company working since 1998 in the distribution market of fruits and vegetables. Over the years acquired reputation, knowledge and size which has allowed it to consolidate the prestige and trust with customers and suppliers. One of its founders, with over 25 years experience in large areas of fruits and vegetables (the origins), allowed the Frutibairrada expand your business and knowledge in the area of distribution.
We are in the Wholesale Market of Coimbra as operators, in place 28, Pavilion A.
We are located on Mount St. Michael – Warehouses 3 and 4, where the labeling of products is carried out, as well as the preparation of orders. This warehouse is equipped with adequate cold storage to marketed products. In this area also we make selling products directly to retailers.
We have available for our activity four heavy vehicles and eight light goods that allow us to make deliveries in a relatively short time, in order to minimize the time between the receipt and delivery of products to customers.