Legal Notices,pt


A FRUTIBAIRRADA – FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TRADE LTD, legal person with the VAT identification number 504 314 750 and headquartered in St Michael's Mount – Warehouse 3:04, Eiras, 3020-265 Coimbra (hereinafter by FRUTIBAIRRADA).


The Usage Conditions regulate the use (including mere access) internet site ( "website") Of FRUTIBAIRRADA, including all available content and services.

Each person who accesses to this website It shall be considered a "User", accepting expressed, automatically and voluntarily the Terms of Use in force in the access to it, as well as the Special Conditions where applicable. In any case, the FRUTIBAIRRADA reserves the right to unilaterally at any time and without notice, change the structure and design do website, Modify or remove services and content, as well as the terms of access and / or use thereof. Any information relating to FRUTIBAIRRADA (composition and prices of services, offers, promotions, sweepstakes, campaigns, company details, etc.) that may be published or distributed in other websites, e-mails, Forums or similar, will only be considered binding and true to FRUTIBAIRRADA expressly confirm such information.

You acknowledge and agree expressly and voluntarily that the use of website It is performed on his sole responsibility, all the time. You agree to use the website, Its services and contents in good faith, in strict compliance with the law, good morals and public order.

Moreover, the use the website for any illicit or harmful purposes against FRUTIBAIRRADA or third parties. The use of website, The user undertakes to act so as not to damage the image, interests or rights of FRUTIBAIRRADA or third parties; so as not to harm, render useless or overload the website the FRUTIBAIRRADA or otherwise, so as not to hinder normal use of said website.

The FRUTIBAIRRADA implements reasonably sufficient security measures to detect the existence of viruses. However, the user should be aware that the safety measures existing on the Internet for the computer systems are not entirely reliable and that, as such, FRUTIBAIRRADA can not guarantee the absence of viruses or any other elements that may cause changes to User computer system (software e hardware) Or to documents and electronic files contained in those systems.



copyright text, images, sound, animation, video and other content placed on this website are the intellectual property of FRUTIBAIRRADA or any third party to whom such rights have been or will be transferred.

All logos, trademarks or industrial designs contained in the website are covered by the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property registered by FRUTIBAIRRADA is prohibited any form of exploitation, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation without the express authorization of FRUTIBAIRRADA

Estes materiais e conteúdos não podem ser copiados ou reproduzidos, a não ser quando no âmbito do estritamente necessário à respetiva visualização “on-line”. Sem prejuízo do exposto, é permitida a impressão de páginas completas do site em papel desde que para uso pessoal do utilizador. Não obstante e sem embargo do exposto, a FRUTIBAIRRADA poderá, ocasionalmente, dar-lhe a oportunidade de fazer “download” de imagens e de outras utilidades do site. Esses “downloads” são abrangidos pelos Termos e Condições de Download da FRUTIBAIRRADA



The material on this site consists of general information intended for dissemination of products and / or services marketed by FRUTIBAIRRADA, which are not necessarily comprehensive, complete or accurate.

Apesar do esforço de atualização de conteúdos e de correção de erros detetados, a FRUTIBAIRRADA não pode garantir que não seja detetada alguma inexatidão ou desatualização na informação disponibilizada, nomeadamente, por erro humano, erro técnico, por tentativa de fraude ou por estarem em curso atualizações. Consequentemente, não assume a FRUTIBAIRRADA qualquer responsabilidade pela não verificação de um resultado pretendido ou por prejuízos, danos materiais ou pessoais que possam advir direta ou indiretamente do acesso a este site e/ou da utilização da informação nele contida.

Independentemente do disposto no parágrafo anterior, a FRUTIBAIRRADA reserva-se ainda o direito de alterar unilateralmente, em qualquer altura e sem quaisquer restrições, as especificações dos produtos divulgados neste site, sem que tal implique uma obrigação de atualização imediata dos conteúdos do presente site. Por isso, a consulta do presente site não dispensa o contacto com o Concessionário para confirmação da disponibilidade de modelos, características técnicas, equipamentos disponíveis e correspondentes preços dos produtos e serviços divulgados.

A FRUTIBAIRRADA recomenda que, antes de adquirir o seu serviço, confirme junto do Consultor de Vendas todas as suas características. Tenha também em atenção que a FRUTIBAIRRADA é livre de fixar e praticar os preços dos produtos/serviços que comercializam, de acordo com as vicissitudes do mercado e ao abrigo da legislação da concorrência, pelo que os preços apresentados neste site constituem apenas, tal como referido in loco, “preços recomendados de venda ao público”. A informação constante deste site é destinada a clientes da FRUTIBAIRRADA, e, como tal, pode não ser aplicável em outras jurisdições.

The FRUTIBAIRRADA make every effort that you are reasonably required to ensure that the content of this site is accurate and updated. However, FRUTIBAIRRADA reserves the right to change unilaterally and without any restrictions the specifications of the product / service at any time.



The FRUTIBAIRRADA shall not be liable for any failures that affect your server or communication networks, or for any problems resulting from the malfunction or use versions of Internet browsers ( "browsers") not optimized.

Who visit the website You are solely responsible for access to it and for any use of the information contained in this. The FRUTIBAIRRADA shall not be liable for any consequence, harm or damage that may arise from such access or use of information. The FRUTIBAIRRADA will not be responsible for any security errors or damage that may be caused to the computer of the User System (hardware e software) Or the files or documents stored therein as a result of virus in the computer used to connect to services and content of the website, Failure of browser or use of obsolete versions of the same, malfunction of telephone lines or interference, omissions or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system, for reasons beyond the control of FRUTIBAIRRADA. The FRUTIBAIRRADA reserves the right to deny access to a user before any use of sign services fraudulently, as well as the right to initiate the necessary legal steps to defend their rights and interests or temporarily suspend, without notice , access to website under maintenance, repair, upgrade or improvement.



For your convenience, this website It contains links to other websites which may adopt different privacy policies. The never personal data under any circumstances, exchanged with those websites external.

The FRUTIBAIRRADA is not responsible for the content or any other aspect relating to websites property or third-party management, even if members of the brands it represents. establishing links it is prohibited from other websites unrelated to FRUTIBAIRRADA without the express authorization of FRUTIBAIRRADA



We respect individual privacy and value the trust of our customers and partners, taking very seriously our responsibilities regarding the safety of these same data. This privacy policy explains what personal data FRUTIBAIRRADA, collect about you, how and why we use them, to whom we disclose and how we protect your privacy.


  • Who is responsible for the processing of your data?


A FRUTIBAIRRADA is responsible for the processing of their personal data, by automated means or otherwise, upon collection, organization, storage to disposal.

A FRUTIBAIRRADA know and comply with the rules laid down for the processing of personal data, which are currently provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/679Of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

Because we take seriously the importance of data privacy we treat the FRUTIBAIRRADA It can be contacted via the address

We get to know the company FRUTIBAIRRADA you may have to transmit the data specified above, to other companies within the European Union (SUBCONTRACTORS) for data processing effects for the following services:


  • commercial prospecting - exploration for commercial marketing purposes, disclosure of service offerings and products, news and events


  • Survey and analysis - their personal data are processed to conduct surveys, questionnaires and statistics to improve the quality of products and services and anticipate customer needs;

Besides the situations in which we treat data to comply with legal requirements, we treat your data for the following purposes, through written and electronic channels:

  • Your data may also be included in a FRUTIBAIRRADA the responsibility of the file in order to treat all warranties and relevant responsibilities in relation to that product / service.


  • Marketing purposes - your personal data are treated equally, for commercial prospecting marketing purposes, disclosure of service offerings and products, news and events (newsletters and other information). These communications are intended to introduce you to the new features, promotions, campaigns and opportunities that could benefit. For the above purposes, FRUTIBAIRRADA, all measures being taken to avoid any damage.


  • What information we collect about you?


A FRUTIBAIRRADAOnly collects and processes personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, email address and others, when they are directly provided by you, either by filling out a contact form, either through acquisition a product or service.


  • How and why we use your personal data?


We use your personal data to:

  • Implementation and enforcement of our contractual and pre-contractual obligations, including response to your requests or marking services.
  • Communicate and manage our contractual relationship with you and can be contacted by administrative and / or operational reasons.
  • Customize and improve your experience as a customer, can be contacted for conducting satisfaction surveys on our services and products.
  • The Report offers that you like, if you have indicated that you want to receive, for example, when you fill out a contact form or purchase a service or product. If you do not mind receiving marketing communications, we can provide you our news, such as new jobs, new campaigns and services that you might like. THE FRUTIBAIRRADA, poderá partilhar os seus dados com os representantes e detentores da marca dos produtos e serviços adquiridos, para mantê-lo informado, inclusive por meios eletrónicos, sobre os produtos e serviços da marca, possibilitando a sua participação em concursos e promoções, bem como conhecer o seu nível de satisfação de modo a melhorar e aperfeiçoar os produtos e serviços da marca em conformidade com as suas necessidades e interesses. Caso não queira receber comunicações de marketing da nossa parte, pode dizer-nos isso mesmo a qualquer momento, ao clicar na ligação de cancelamento de subscrição na parte inferior de qualquer email de marketing que receber. Se preferir, pode sempre expressar a sua preferência em não receber comunicações de marketing para o e-mail


A FRUTIBAIRRADA, Committed can not use the information to your personal data for any purpose other than those described above.


  • How we keep your personal data safe?


We have implemented technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against:

  • change;
  • Unauthorized access thereto;
  • accidental or unlawful destruction;
  • Dissemination or
  • accidental loss.

Your personal data will be processed and stored by both the FRUTIBAIRRADA, as the representatives and holders of the brand of goods and services purchased for a period of up to 10 years from the date of last purchase of a product or service, subject to that period may be extended as a result of new contact requests these entities .

Notwithstanding the foregoing, your data will be kept properly locked, the duration corresponding to any liabilities resulting from the contract or to comply with other legal obligations by both FRUTIBAIRRADAAs the representatives and holders of the brand of purchased goods and services.

We referred cases, FRUTIBAIRRADA and representatives and holders of the brand of purchased goods and services, guarantee that will not treat your data, unless such treatment is necessary for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims or when you need to provide the same to the Public Administration, judges and courts during the prescription period of their legal rights or obligations.

Should you require further information on the security measures implemented as well as on the concrete terms of data retention, please contact to email


  • What are your rights?


Has the right, whenever you want and for free, ask the FRUTIBAIRRADA for:


. Access to the data indicated in

. Ask for the rectification of your data

. Ask for the deletion of your data

. Request limiting the processing of their data

. Oppose the processing of their data

. Request the portability of your data for entity itself indicated.


Note, however, that if any legally imposed standard or obligation that overlaps these rights, FRUTIBAIRRADA, Respond to failure to fulfill the request, indicating the appropriate foundation.

If you feel that your data is not being treated in accordance with applicable law, including European and national, remember you have the right to expose the issue to a control authority, in particular the CNDP, as figures below:

National Data Protection Commission - DPA
Rua de São Bento, No. 148, 3 1200-821 Lisboa
Tel: +351 213928400 Fax: +351 213976832 E-mail:

To exercise any of these rights or for any further information about the processing of your personal data, we are at your disposal via e-mail to



Through forms

Without prejudice to each form in websiteWhen users provide their personal information expressly authorize FRUTIBAIRRADA to process that information for the specified purposes. The FRUTIBAIRRADA incorporate the information provided by the user in the file itself for this purpose. The National Commission Data Protection was duly and legally notified of the existence of the file and of the tasks described in each case. The User may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of data by written communication sent to the FRUTIBAIRRADA – FRUIT AND VEGETABLES TRADE LTD, S. Miguel de Monte – Warehouse 3:04, Eiras, 3020-265 Coimbra or the email, clearly indicating the right you want to exercise, your first and last name and the number of contributors. You can also exercise the right of complaint before the CNDP control authority.


Through cookies

The user is informed that the present website cookies. The cookies are small text files installed on browser User's computer to record your activity. These send an anonymous identifier that is stored on said computer to allow an improved and personalized browsing for the specific user, for example, cookies allow users who have already made an access to areas of registration, services, promotions or hobbies exclusively reserved to them, no need to register on each visit / access. They may also be used to measure audience, traffic and navigation parameters, session time and / or monitor the progress and number of hits.

The FRUTIBAIRRADA seek to ensure the establishment of appropriate mechanisms to obtain the user authorization before installing cookies needed. However, according to current legislation, it should be understood that (i) the user has consented to the configuration of your browser meet changed disabling preventive restrictions on entry cookies and (ii) that such consent is not necessary to install the cookies that are strictly necessary to provide a service that has been expressly requested by the user (by prior registration).


See our cookie policy in:


Este site foi criado e funciona ao abrigo das leis de Portugal. Para a resolução de quaisquer litígios emergentes deste site, serão aplicáveis as leis de Portugal e terão jurisdição exclusiva os tribunais Portugueses.


Informação nos termos do artigo 18º do D.L. nº 144/2015, de 8 de Setembro

Em caso de litígio, informa-se o consumidor que pode recorrer à seguinte entidade de resolução alternativa de litígios de consumo:


Arbitration Centre for Consumer Disputes District of Coimbra

Av. Fernão Magalhães, n.º 240, 1º – 3000-172 COIMBRA

Tel.: 239 821 690 /289




Mais informações em Portal do Consumidor